Monday, March 21, 2011

Artifacts Of Willie "Bunk" Johnson

     ·    "Bunk Johnson Panama." Web. 21 Mar      2011.<>.
   This picture is a favorite picture of me. I really like this one only because i look so good in the hat one of my favorite hats is this one here.

This picture is a picture of “Buddy Boldens Jazz Band”1895, these nice gentleman 
Frank Keely:   valve trombone,Frank Lewis: clarinet,   
Willie "Bunk”  Johnson: Cornet,
 Buddy Bolden Trumpet,
 Willy Cornish: trombone ,
 Bob Lyons: Bass,
 Albert Glenny: Bass,
 Bebe Mitchell: bass,
We played in his band, but i always seemed
to be the oldest but fun one out of the group though.
Ha! they never take me seriously cause i don't like to be serious we all need to have a good time.
Portrait of    Bunk Johnson." Web. 21 Mar 2011. <"2/innovation-12-string-guitar
     This picture is a good one of me jazzin' to the rythm of the soul of music! Yes me,  Willie "Bunk" Johnson, playin my cornet with my nice friends  that were bass players  named, "Blind" Willie McTell and "Barbecue" Bob.

·    "Bunk johnson & Lu." Web. 21 Mar 2011. <>.
This is a snapshot of the adveritisment used in my days, i played with one of the swingest of the swingers.

·    "Bunk Johnson." Web. 21 Mar 2011. <>.
        Don't i look so hansome as a fella of N'awlins? Umhm that's me before i done got the teeth smacked right out a my mouth by sum foolish firecraker who cant keep his hands on his side.

v  Video recordings:
·    "Sister Kate." Web. 21 Mar 2011. <>.
·    "One Sweet Letter To You." Web. 21 Mar 2011. <>.
·    "Slow Blues." Web. 21 Mar 2011. <
·    "Snagg It." Web. 21 Mar 2011. <>.
Yes! This is what i've been waiting for the music of the soul the sound of jazz in my blood in my veins and runnin thrugh my hair into my breath into my best friend the cornet yes! Amazing what sound comes from it but that is just the begining of the soul and jazzy jazz sound coming from such a' ole' swanger like myself yes! here the sound of jazz.

"Willie bunk johnson"
 This is a picture of my registration, fancy writin and such umhm thats all it is. That's what an ole timer needs is to try to write pretty just to do the things he has a passion for.
"Registration Willie "Bunk" Johnson." Web. 22 Mar 2011.
·    "Lonesome Road." Web. 21 Mar 2011. <


  1. I believe that I heard you play once before. It was a wonderful performance! Truly amazing!

  2. You're music is fantastic! You are a very talented musician and have shown it in these wonderful songs!

  3. Very cool Willie! You are so very talented!

  4. you sound real good i think we played together in 1924 in chicago remember that it was fun?

  5. Yes! matter of fact I do remember! I knew you seemed very familiar to me, you know man I'm getting old haha, I have those days were my vision is blury. It was very exciting to play alongside you. It's nice to see to you again we have to play some more music like that one day when we have time, but artists like us make time. I think that it would be a catch If we got everyone together and played like we used to. I still got it!

  6. Yes I love your style and how you carry yourself. You are a very wonderful character in the arts, I would say Willie.
