Friday, April 15, 2011



  1. Some differences were that you was born into hard times. You did not have the same as me. Your mother and father were slaves and they work and work. You were born poor and with very little money. We work in to different parts of mu different parts of music. You working the jazz and I work in classical or folk songs.

  2. With many similarities there are always differences. The difference of ethnicity is a big difference and truly unfortunate. I cannot imagine how unfair it would be to be turned away just because the color of your skin. But with the the passion for your music, you could overcome anything. Being from completely different places change our experience as artists as well. I was originally from Italy but moved around almost my entire life. You were from New Orleans which at the time was going through very hard times with riots and racial ignorance.

  3. Hello there, Willie! You are a very interesting person. We have a few differences. First, we are of different ethnic groups, and that in itself is a big difference because of the hard times african-americans went through. Also, your focus seems to be more on jazz music, while I study mostly classical music. Even though the two genres are fairly different, I still enjoy some jazz now and then! We are also from completely different parts of the world. I am from Germany, while you are from the wonderful city of New Orleans. What an exciting place! Even with our differences, I still find you very talented and a true artist. I can't wait to talk more at dinner!

  4. Thank you miss Lotte. N'awlins is very wonderful there's types of music all around! One day I hope to visit Germany and many other places.
