Friday, April 15, 2011



  1. Hello Willie! It was so nice to read about you. We have many similarities! We both started our craft at a young age. You got your first trumpet when you were fourteen years old. My first appearance on stage was when I was four years old. My first performance where I began acting as a career was when I was fourteen. How passionate you are about your music is amazing. I love acting with all my heart. You and I both pour our hearts and souls into every performance. And our parents are the backbone to our success. I don't know where my career would be without them.

  2. Hello again, Willie! I am pleased to tell you that even with all of our differences, we have many similarities as well! Just like Eleanor said before, we started our craft at a young age. It was hard for me to actually be noticed in my house because my parents were more interested in my brother. But when they heard me sing, that definitely changed their minds! Your story is very inspiring. I admire you for overcoming the obstacles you had in life. While my problems weren't based on my race, they were based on my location. Performing in Germany was next to impossible at the time, which is why I moved to America to perform. But I was saddened by the fact I couldn't perform in my own country. We also are the same because our parents were very supportive. Once I was famous, I wrote to my mother almost every week. She and my father were very supportive of all of my artistic endeavors.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. You went through alot as well and even though we don't live in the same area or do alot of the same things we both experienced the push of society and family as well. It's good to hear that a woman has made such progess in the times of cruelty and decisions as well. I'm happy that the people of america get to hear such a beautiful voice. I also think that it is nice that you kept in touch with your mom and pa' as well. I felt the same way about performing in my own country the thing was, was that it was partly the people but it also was a push of whether or not it was something I had the strength to do. In turn it made me who I am today and It's great I met another person who had the same feelings as I did when I recognized that you have to go after something that you want.
