Friday, April 15, 2011



  1. Willie, you are an inspiring man! Your attitude towards segregation and staying positive is phenomenal. The way you out your heart and soul into your music with so much passion truly tells your story. I am so glad to have heard your music (which is fabulous)! You were very interesting to learn about. Your description of your story made me feel as if I was there watching it!

  2. Thank you ma'am much appreciated! I am very happy to have let you hear my life's story about overcoming the hard days and trying to inspire people all around. I am delighted to have inspired you.

  3. Wow, Willie! I am very impressed! Your piece "Sister Kate" was amazing. I almost jumped out of my seat to start dancing. Even though I am a classical performer, I might also take a liking to jazz music after listening to you. I also admire your passion. Even with the segregation and hardships along with it, you stayed strong and pushed through it. That definitely takes courage. You are a very inspiring man, Willie. I can't wait to talk with you more at dinner!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hahaha I am happy you said you almost jumped out your seat (that means my jazz practicing must be getting better), I've been working hard. Thank you miss Lotte, I apreciate how you feel I'm happy I gave you an interest into Jazz passion, and I too can't wait to discuss more at dinner! I'll catch you later I'm off to practice much more and play some Jazzy Jazz!
